D&D Harry Potter - A Brief Guide to the Harry Potter Campaigns

If you like mystery and other worlds, Dungeons and Dragons is the perfect game to play. With the game, there are campaigns that you can get involved with and one of them can be the Harry Potter Campaign. 

But what are these campaigns that you can find with Dungeons and Dragons? There’s a lot to learn when it comes to playing such campaigns and even more with Harry Potter. 


To find out more about the Harry Potter Campaigns when you play D&D, you definitely need to read on. Info on the new world that has been created by J.K Rowling has managed to create and you can be part of it is up next.

D&D Harry Potter - A Brief Guide to the Harry Potter Campaigns
Photo credit: Tribality.com

Harry Potter Campaign

If you are a lover of Harry Potter then you really want to enrich almost every mythical game with shades of this world. With D&D, you can do that with your warlock. The warlock has almost the same spells that are used at Hogwarts.

There are times that before you can fine-tune the spells, you may have a little problem dealing with them. They may appear less powerful or at times easy to master - which leaves you at a disadvantage on multiplayer. 


You also can tweak your wizard a bit to fit the bill of a wizard on Harry Potter.

Campaign Guide

Casting Spells - there are at least two ways that you can use to cast spells when you play D&D - this is the Harry Potter campaign.


The first part of casting a spell, you’ll be more or less casting a spell by a Harry Potteresque wizard. Now to cast a spell here, it will be dependent on the difficulty of the spell.


It will also depend on the skill of the character you’re playing as. The dice modifier is basically dictated by the spell level. The more advanced the spell you’re trying to cast, the harder it will be to cast it in the end.

When it comes to time, you have one action to do it. It’s similar to when you launch an attack in the D&D rules. Before you set out on the spell, you have to take special consideration.


Almost all the spells that you cast here require a ‘to hit’ roll, with only a few exceptions. If your target isn’t willing, you have to roll against your opponent’s value - their AC value.

If you cast a spell successfully, your opponent now gets a saving throw. And that throw will be DC value and will be adjusted in the card text. The text on the card text will then be used to reflect the value of the level of the spell.

Types of Spells

With Harry Potteresque wizards, you can expect some of the different types of spells to go around. Here are the types of spells and the levels, plus casting action of the same.

Reparo - Repair Things

Level: Cantrip

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Expelliarmus: Disarms Your Opponent

Level: 1

  • Casting time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (wand)

Alohomora: Opens Locked Object

Level: 2

  • Casting time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (wand)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Accio: Summons an Object

Level: 2

  • Casting time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (wand)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Wingardium Leviosa: Makes Objects Fly

Level: 2

  • Casting time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (wand)
  • Duration: concentration of up to 10 minutes
D&D Harry Potter - A Brief Guide to the Harry Potter Campaigns
Photo credit: Nytimes.com

Petrificus Totalus: Body Bind

Level: 2(5 for monster)

  • Casting time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (wand)
  • Duration: Concentration of up to 1 minute


When it comes to D&D, there are a number of campaigns that you can take part in and one is the Harry Potter campaign. With this one, you can use a Hogwarts wizard level to help you go through some tough levels. 

The spells here are a bit complex but they pay off in a big way against opponents.