Check Out the Most Sold Nintendo Console of All time

Do you know that at the end of 2019, Nintendo Switch beat the Super NES’s total video games sales? In the last week of 2019 that ended on December 28th, 2019, Nintendo Switch sold  961,543 units and brought its lifetime sales in total to 49.79 million items worldwide. This is in comparison to NES’s lifetime sales of 49.10 million units.

It’s just a matter of time before the Switch beats the original NES record too. It sold 61.91 million items and therefore the Switch is left with about 12 million units to beat the record. You must wonder why people are buying the Switch units so much.


Well, it has a number of accessories like the Switch Pro controller, different play modes, and a number of interesting games in its library. Keep reading to discover what makes the Switch so special.

Check Out the Most Sold Nintendo Console of All time
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Different Ways to Play

The Nintendo Switch is a flexible console that can be used as a portable console similar to Nintendo’s DS lines and Game Boy or can be used at home on TV. All players have to do is change between portable and home configurations. That’s where it derives its name ‘Switch’

Moreover changing between these modes is super simple, just ensure you press L and R buttons concurrently so the Switch registers a screen change.


When you place the Switch into its dock, the system is turned on and default settings prompt the Switch to turn on the TV automatically. The Switch console is one of the easy consoles and doesn’t require someone to be tech-savvy in order to figure out features. 

TV Mode

The Switch’s processing power is in the system’s tablet portion which has an HDMI-connected charging dock. It also has Joy-Con controllers which you can remove at any time from the sides of the console. 

It’s this exclusive configuration that makes the Switch to adopt different form factors for both multiplayer and single-player games.


The control scheme which splits across the two controllers features “A-B-X-Y” button cluster and a “d-pad” that features separate buttons, two analog sticks, “home”, “share”, “plus” and “Minus” buttons. 

If you want the more traditional control scheme, you can play with the Joy-Cons that are connected to the included Joy-Con grip. However, a simple press of two buttons detaches the Joy-cons from the grip.

When a Joy-Con detaches, it allows you to play with one in each hand or even using only one-which you can use as a Wii remote. Joy-Con straps support and add comfort to the free-form control schemes. Nintendo Switch Pro controller is also another feature that is unique to the console.

Tabletop Mode

It has a built-in LCD screen that provides two play modes, namely tabletop and handheld modes.

 If users want to play local multiplayer games on the go, they need to disconnect the Joy-Con controllers from the sides and turn them sideways which makes them “classic” controllers similar to Wii remote controllers. The kickstand on the back that doubles as the microSD slot cover helps the console stand on its own.

Handheld Mode

This is essentially a Wii U controller you can take anywhere. When the Joy-Con controllers move to the sides, they turn it into a portable handheld console

It’s less bulky and small in size hence convenient for you to carry with your hands. Its portable display is also a multi-touch screen like the Nintendo DS.

Check Out the Most Sold Nintendo Console of All time

Other Specifications

The Switch is famous for its various unique specifications. They include 2.5 to 6.5 hours of playtime on a Lithium-ion 4310mAh battery.  

It has three hours charging time and another battery, a controller battery,  with a charging time of 3.5 hours and 20 hours playing time. It also has a number of ports, high resolution on TV, and big storage.

Last Word

Nintendo’s Switch is the leading Nintendo Console of all time. Surely there must be something about it that prompts people to buy it. First and foremost, it has got a great collection of games in its library. Then it has got great features. 

You can play at home on TV or on the go. Also, it has got a great battery life in case you don’t have access to power.